After student finish their School Leaving Certificate [SLC],they start for thinking about subject they will study.Here I have tried to inform about the course available in nepal after slc.
As we pass the much awaited ‘Iron Gate’, we enter a world which is
full of opportunity and choices. Presently in Nepal, we have
different types of course that students can choose---
1)+2(HSEB)---This is a curriculum developed by Higher Secondary Education Board
(HSEB) and is associated with the Government of Nepal.
Science remains the most popular because it allow to walk on the path to engineering or medicine. There

If student choose biology in isc(second year).s/he can take a medical career. If he can not
become a doctor, he could take up B.Sc. in micro-biology, pharmacology,
medical technology, genetic engineering, bio-chemistry etc.
students belonging to the physical or math group might take up
engineering courses like civil engineering, computer or software
engineering or other engineering faculties. S/he can even switch
faculties and go on to the sector of IT (information technology). One
could study BIT (Bachelor in Information Technology), BIM (Bachelor in
IT and Management), BCIS, BCA, B.Sc. in computer science, etc. S/he may
even go on to the Management sector and study BBS (three years), BBA
(four years), BHM (Bachelor in Hotel Management), BTTM (Bachelor in
Travel and Tourism Management), etc
b) Commerce and management
b) Commerce and management
and Management are almost the same although the latter has a wider
scope. Business, trade, accounting, marketing, economics are Commerce
subjects. Management students also have to study the management of
business and organizations like hotels and tourism.
Management courses are higher-education classes that develop a
student’s professional marketing, accounting and administrative skills.
The objective of a management course is to prepare the student for work
as an office manager, small-business owner or corporate employee, by
expanding his/her skill set in an area commonly utilized in the business
world. The credits from a management course may also be applied toward
the achievement of a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), an
associate’s degree in management or a bachelor’s degree in business
Humanities include the varities of subjects: from social sciences, arts, to economics and even dance and music. IT IS ALso subject for politician it include history.want to become a psychologist then you opt for psychologyis also alive

3)IB(International Baccalaureate)
History: The
International Baccalaureate Organization was founded in Geneva, Switzerland in
1968 as a non-profit educational foundation.

Mission: The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IB works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Main activities: The IB works in four areas:
- Development of curriculum
- Assessment of students
- Training and professional development of teacher
- Authorization and evaluation of schools.
Size: The IB works with almost 3,458 schools in 143 countries to offer the three IB programs to approximately 1,043,000 students with more than 50,000 teachers, 5000 examiners and around 400 staff in IB offices worldwide.
Programmes: The IB offers three programmes for students aged 3 to 19. The programmes can be offered individually or as a continuum by IB World Schools.
- The Primary Years Programme (PYP) for students aged 3-12 started in 1997 and is now offered by 948 IB World Schools in 97 countries.
The Middle Years Programme (MYP) for students aged 11-16 started in 1994 and is now offered by 972 IB World Schools in 89 countries.
- The Diploma Programme (DP) for students aged 16 to 19 started in 1968 with first examinations in 1970 and is now offered by 2,378 IB World Schools in 141 countries with over 500,000 graduates since 1970. It is a challenging two-year curriculum that is widely recognised by leading universities throughout the world.

5) Education


Forestry is one of the fields that hold good future prospects for the students who have completed S.L.C. This subject is also a noble venture into forest conservation and constraining the mounting environmental degradation. Nepal has two institutions for forestry – one in Hetauda and another in Pokhara, both affiliated to the Tribhuvan University, offering certificate and bachelors level studies. The course provides advanced training in forestry and natural resource, conservation and management. Additional responsibilities include forestry research and development of technology suitable for Nepal. The campuses of the Institute of Forestry have laboratories, woodlots, arboreta, horticulture research farms, computer and other facilities.
7) Agriculture and Veterinary


After the completion of S.L.C., students can opt for Sanskrit studies. The Intermediate in Sanskrit is called Uttar Madhyama. There are various colleges in and outside the valley that offer the intermediate course, all being affiliated to the Mahendra Sanskrit University. After the completion of Uttar Madhyama, students can enroll to the bachelors’ level study, i.e. Shastri and then masters level i.e. Acharya. Vedas, Sanskrit Grammar, Literature, Astronomy are some of the subjects that students have to study under the intermediate curriculum. The study of Sanskrit leads students to sectors like Archeology, Astrology, Astronomy, Anthropology and so forth. The study of Sanskrit helps the students in historical research as all the holy books and ancient scriptures of Hinduism and Buddhism are found to be written in Sanskrit language or its derivatives: for example Pali, which is the language of major Buddhist scriptures, is derived from Sanskrit.

Hospitality management is a growing field, globally. Colleges like NATHM (Nepal Academy of Tourism and Hospitality Management) offer access only after the completion of the intermediate level. However, they also offer some short-term courses on waiters, room boys, chefs, travel agents, house-keeping, front office, barman etc. The students can extend their career in different hotels, restaurants and at many administrative units after sincerely going through these courses.

Fashion Designing is also a lucrative career and also is a formal entrance into the field of glamour.
Fashion instituted around the world
offer variety of courses to train the students
practically for
this profession. The local institutes in Nepal offer the certificate level courses which generally run up to 4 to 8 months. In this level, students are taught computerized art designing (CAD), graphic designing etc. To join the diploma level studies one has to complete +2 or equivalent level of studies.
this profession. The local institutes in Nepal offer the certificate level courses which generally run up to 4 to 8 months. In this level, students are taught computerized art designing (CAD), graphic designing etc. To join the diploma level studies one has to complete +2 or equivalent level of studies.

Fine Art has a long history in Nepal. The first school established was ‘Art School’ in 1903. The subject is the best for the creative students. There are various Fine Arts colleges in and outside the valley that provide intermediate courses in Fine Arts. The Intermediate has classes on the basics of drawing and painting, and sculpture. English and Nepali are the compulsory subjects. While some colleges don’t offer the graphic part of the designing, some like Institute of Fine Arts, at Ganabahal, a newly opened Fine Arts institution, has such offering. Further into the course, classes on classical instruments, classical dances, textile designing and so forth are available
12 )Vocational courses