nusring is a noble profession .It provides the amazing opportunities in this 21st century to serve the nation and communities. IT IS ahighly respected .Staff Nurse have been emerging as a socially prasied status in the society in national and international level
collage of nursing
Tribhuwan university collage
maharajgunj nursing campus 61seat scholarship(1 seat staff quata)
lalitpur nursing campus 45 seat scholarship
pokhara nursing campus 45seat scsholarshipfor
brigunj nursing campus 45 {35seat scholarahip+10seat doantion}
nepalgunj nursing campus 45 {35seat scholarahip+10seat doantion}
biratnagar nursing campus 45 {35seat scholarahip+10seat doantion}
eligibility: 50% in the aggregate in the slc exam or equiavalent to it from any board are eligible to apply for this exam
Eligibility: student securing 45%in aggregate in the slc
total seats=40
16 for open categroy student
2 for dalit student
5 for foreign student
16 for hill-distrist student
1 for bpkhs staff
there are 40 seat out of which 10% is allocated for the remote district
ELIGIBILITY=50% in aggregate in the slc exam or equvalent to any other board are eligible to apply for exam
each collage has 40seat in nursing/ha/pharming and 30 seat in lab/radiology
working area of nurse
nursing home
public health
leadership positionl
clinical officiers
occuptional health or industrial namose
teaching position of hospital,collage and universites
collage of nursing
Tribhuwan university collage
maharajgunj nursing campus 61seat scholarship(1 seat staff quata)
lalitpur nursing campus 45 seat scholarship
pokhara nursing campus 45seat scsholarshipfor
brigunj nursing campus 45 {35seat scholarahip+10seat doantion}
nepalgunj nursing campus 45 {35seat scholarahip+10seat doantion}
biratnagar nursing campus 45 {35seat scholarahip+10seat doantion}
eligibility: 50% in the aggregate in the slc exam or equiavalent to it from any board are eligible to apply for this exam
Eligibility: student securing 45%in aggregate in the slc
total seats=40
16 for open categroy student
2 for dalit student
5 for foreign student
16 for hill-distrist student
1 for bpkhs staff
there are 40 seat out of which 10% is allocated for the remote district
ELIGIBILITY=50% in aggregate in the slc exam or equvalent to any other board are eligible to apply for exam
each collage has 40seat in nursing/ha/pharming and 30 seat in lab/radiology
working area of nurse
nursing home
public health
leadership positionl
clinical officiers
occuptional health or industrial namose
teaching position of hospital,collage and universites